An oasis in the chaos: finding serenity with aromatherapy and Bach flower remedies

[Versione italiana dell’articolo – Un’oasi nel caos]

Chaos. Sometimes it feels like we live in the midst of it, overwhelmed by events, commitments, situations that escape our control. Sometimes we feel “strange”, out of phase, as if a veil of melancholy and confusion has settled within us.

In these moments, the only solution is to create an oasis of peace within ourselves, a refuge where we can rediscover balance and serenity. To do this, nature offers us precious tools, such as Bach flower remedies and essential oils.

Walnut, the Bach remedy “for great changes”, helps us to adapt to new situations, to protect ourselves from external influences and to follow our path with confidence and determination. It is a valuable ally in times of transition and uncertainty, when we feel vulnerable and disoriented.

Aromaterapia e Autoproduzione in Ayurveda

Lavender and chamomile will be our allies, being two essential oils particularly suitable for creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity in our environment. Lavender, with its sweet and floral scent, promotes relaxation and drives away stress. Chamomile, with its small flower, releases an intense aroma that can help us find our center, with calm and fullness.

How can we create our “oasis in the chaos“?

You might consider taking Walnut regularly and diffusing lavender and/or chamomile in the environment: use a room diffuser to spread the calming and rebalancing scent of these essential oils.

You could also create a wellness ritual: treat yourself to a warm bath with a few drops of lavender essential oil, or create a meditative atmosphere by diffusing chamomile essential oil in a quiet and welcoming environment.

Always remember to listen to your inner voice, allowing yourself moments of silence and introspection to listen to your needs and emotions. Your inner wisdom knows more than you think.

Aromatherapy, Perfumery and Coaching
